Tulips on Tuesday

Posted by Joellen Armstrong Wednesday, April 8, 2009 11:31 AM
Well, it was an eventful day yesterday... all pretty good events tho! I headed out of my house at 5am to meet Jeanne at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm in Woodburn for an early morning shoot. I probably should have called ahead tho... only about 5% of the field was anywhere near being considered "in bloom." It actually worked out really well despite all the obstacles. I couldn't find my charger the night before but it said "full" so I thought I would be fine... nope... battery died after about 100 shots, with only about 20 that are even worth keeping! I have so few shots mainly b/c, my tripod really bites! It's too wobbly with my big lens, so it was tough getting a shot in focus. Plus, so many of the tulips and other flowers didn't look good so that didn't help. And finally, I thought it would get hotter faster than it did so I was FREEZING in the shorts I'd worn. So, it all worked out well that I went when the tulips weren't blooming, b/c now I can go back in 2 weeks and be really well prepared! Here's one photo that I kind of liked...

I was planning on going to Jeanne's afterwards and doing some work. I even had Mark's sister Mary all set to come out and sit Asher for the day. However, Asher woke up with a fever just over 100 degrees (1 week delay from the chicken pox shot) so I headed home to take care of the sick babe. He was fine after some tylenol a couple times that day but it was like a free day for me so I got a lot done! Asher slept great last night so I feel mostly refreshed today and he's been the best kid ever so far (knock on wood). He's been giving lots of hugs and kisses and just being happy in general... I think the next few years should be lots of fun! Asher understands so much and does so many funny things! He started saying "Whoa" this morning with precise pronunciation... it's hilarious! 

I'll have to post a pic of me soon. Last week I went from being round to actually looking (and feeling) quite pregnant. I should find out near the end of this month if we're having a boy or girl... we're still sticking with the girl inkling but who knows! I may be switching Dr's b/c of some insurance stuff so I'll keep you all updated with that. Have a great week!

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