Asher, that thing in the sky is what we call "The Sun"

Posted by Mark Armstrong Sunday, April 5, 2009 7:06 PM
Well I think it's safe to say Asher had a good weekend. He loves being outside with so much to see and so many new things to discover. We woke up on Saturday to a ridiculously nice day and thought, "Hey, why not go to the beach?" So we did...
We headed out to Newport and strolled out on Nye Beach which by the way is nice and flat and worked out great for the stroller. We went down the beach a ways and then took Asher out and let him run free. He had a great time feeling the wet sand between his fingers and through his pants :) Thankfully, Joellen thought to bring a change of clothes for him. He got to see a couple horses on the beach along with a half dozen or so dogs. Does it get any better than that? Anyway, Asher slept most of the way out to Newport and a good chunk of the way home. It really couldn't have worked out much better.
Today, it was super nice so we decided to join the 12,000 other people who thought it would be a good idea to go to the park. Asher had so much fun running around in the grass, monkeying around on the play structures and going down the slide (with a little help from me). We met up with a cluster of the Steele family and Tracy at the park and we also ran into John and Cindy Rodgers and Christy Sims (formerly Strout) while we were there. It was refreshing to spend an hour and a half without Asher whimpering or fussing even once! He really seemed to love it! I can't wait for him to experience the swimming pool and Grandma & Grandpa's this summer... Based on how much he loves being outside and taking a bath, combining the two might be more of a thrill than he can handle!

1 Response to "Asher, that thing in the sky is what we call "The Sun""

  1. Randy Says:

    So much to discover!
    Looking at the world again through a child's eyes brings fresh perspective.