New Baby

Posted by Joellen Armstrong Wednesday, January 30, 2008 6:49 PM 0 comments
Oops! I forgot to add a photo of Asher... can't wait to get some great ones once he's out!

It Is Us!

Posted by Joellen Armstrong 6:10 PM 0 comments

So, I figured with the new baby arriving soon, more people might want to be able to see photos and hear about what is going on in our life - I'm just trying to be fair to people who aren't on myspace :-)

A little background:

Mark and I are expecting our first baby in March (hopefully early March!). It's a boy - his name is Asher Avery Armstrong and I'm pretty sure he's going to be a handful... for two reasons.

1- He is Mark's son after all - and Mark is quite energetic for a 28 year old!
2 - I don't have to count kicks to be reminded that Asher is alive and well in there - when I try and count kicks for fun, it usually ends up being about 2 minutes and I'm already at 10!

It's a great blessing to feel him moving around in there though... it's completely unreal that he'll come out and be a real person in our life forever. We cannot wait to see him!

Mark is currently working at AT&T as well as doing graphic design work for Goldstreet and his own company (Brasfort) on the side so yeah, he's pretty busy. I'm in 2 different bible studies, doing my own photography and working a little bit for Jeanne in West Linn, editing her images and helping her get them posted online - pretty much what I do for myself, but for her! It's been great to start up that work again (I took a 2-3 month break during the summer) and I cannot glean enough info, support and creative juices from Jeanne! What a blessing that work has been.

The past year has been full of surprises (duh) but not without lots of bumps - which of recent have gotten larger and larger. We just have to keep trusting that God is working and won't leave us to fend for ourselves or let us drown.

One big blessing has been the new church we've been attending after moving back out here to McMinnville... Creekside Community Church. It's a smaller church - around 100-ish people and the group of people has been meeting for about 5 years. We really appreciate the work of the pastor and staff to get people involved - you can tell so many of the members have a heart that really wants to show others the Love of Christ.

We started going to a small home group and we're really thrilled to be a part of it. Right from the start, the church was so open about where they need help and they're more than willing to let you participate in what you can while not looking down on you for being inactive in the places you can't. I've already met so many women that are very godly - people I can really count on to be praying for me and women I can ask for advice or just fellowship with without judgement and without them just telling me what to do with my life.

Well, that's enough for now... I'll put up a photo or two :-) My belly is quite a bit bigger now but you'll have to wait a little while to get to see it! This photo was taken just after Thanksgiving - and gee, I thought I was getting big then! Love you all and hope that this will help with staying in touch!