Well, Asher has officially started potty training :) He did great today. Only 2 minor accidents in undies and one small spill just before bath while roaming in the nude. He went on the potty 5 times!! I've decided that after 3 accidents each day we go back to diapers... I may change my mind on that one, it's not set in stone or anything. But he likes it a lot, at least the "Cars" underwear. He will clap and say "potty" every time he's done, even if he just sat there and nothing came out. We also give him 1 mint chocolate chip for each time he actually "goes" in the potty but he's actually been enjoying washing his hands afterwards while standing on his stool more than the mint chips! He'll still be in diapers at naptime and night for a while I'm sure, but I'm excited to see how this goes. Isn't he adorable!?!
January 21, 2010 at 2:18 PM
Too cute!! What a big boy! Give him a big kiss from Aunt Becca.