Joellen was gone most of yesterday since she had agreed to help Margy get her midwife certification (she needed a newborn for the exam) which she aced and now only needs to complete the written exam to become certified as a midwife. We both wish her all the best and know she will make a great midwife! Later yesterday evening, mom came over and went to a baby shower our church put on for her and it sounds like they had a great time. So anyway, it was a quiet house yesterday.
In other news, I am very proud to say, my e-mail inbox is at zero and the tasks remaining in my "midnight inbox" seem manageable. Might this be a break in the madness? We'll see...
I did have someone call about our car yesterday so we're keeping our fingers crossed and hoping we can find a buyer. Speaking of which, here is the link in case anyone wants to buy a 2005 Mazda 3s - click here.
If this post has been a bit choppy, scattered and less than coherent, that's because I am too. I need to get ready for work but I at least wanted to say hi. I haven't had too much time to post anything, but don't worry - we're still here and doing well :)
April 15, 2008 at 6:57 PM
Hey Marco,
I know I don't often write comments but I read your blog on a VERY regular basis (it's one of the few things I do even when I'm tired or don't feel well). I love being able to catch up with you and your little family. And I can definitely relate to the scattered nature of thoughts and words...sounds like me a lot of the time. Maybe it runs in the family :-)
Love you loads. Give a big hug and kiss to Jo and to Asher.
April 20, 2008 at 12:44 AM
Thanks Katie! It's good to know people are reading and we're not just typing so we can hear the clickity clack of our own fingers on the keyboard :)